flocking ability estimation. [cwr][afd]
A simulation sequence from experiment exp01_01. A set of 100 animats was randomly distributed in a radius of 60 body lengths. The animats had random initial
flight speed and flight direction. Triangles represent animats, with the apex indicating the flight direction. Grey triangles are stragglers, blue triangles are flocking
animats and dark blue triangles are flock leaders. Orange triangles depict colliding animats. The green circle surrounding the animats represents the roosting boundary and the light
grey checkerboard represents a measurement aid (a tile is 5 body lenghts in size). The title bar shows the current state of the simulation: simulation step, cumulative number of
collisions (c), number of flocks (f), number of stragglers (s), proportion of leaderless flocks (plf), average flight speed (v) and average nearest neighbour distance (nnd).
[cwr] craig w. reynolds's boids (~21.7MB)
[afd] animats with fuzzy drives (~18.3MB)
globular cluster initial formation. [cwr][afd]
A simulation sequence from experiment exp02_14. A set of 19 animats was forced in a precisely polarized globular cluster formation and observed
as it self-organized. Triangles represent animats, with the apex indicating the flight direction. Grey triangles are stragglers, blue triangles are flocking
animats and dark blue triangles are flock leaders. Orange triangles depict colliding animats. The light gray checkerboard represents a measurement aid (a tile is
5 body lenghts in size). The title bar shows the current state of the simulation: simulation step, cumulative number of collisions (c), number of flocks (f), number
of stragglers (s), proportion of leaderless flocks (plf), average flight speed (v) and average nearest neighbour distance (nnd).
[cwr] craig w. reynolds's boids (~6.51MB)
[afd] animats with fuzzy drives (~12.1MB)
front line initial formation. [cwr][afd]
A simulation sequence from experiment exp03_01. A set of 19 animats was forced in a precisely polarized front line formation and observed as it self-organized.
Triangles represent animats, with the apex indicating the flight direction. Grey triangles are stragglers, blue triangles are flocking animats and dark blue triangles
are flock leaders. Orange triangles depict colliding animats. The light gray checkerboard represents a measurement aid (a tile is 5 body lenghts in size). The title bar
shows the current state of the simulation: simulation step, cumulative number of collisions (c), number of flocks (f), number of stragglers (s), proportion of leaderless
flocks (plf), average flight speed (v) and average nearest neighbour distance (nnd).
[cwr] craig w. reynolds's boids (~8.39MB)
[afd] animats with fuzzy drives (~5.83MB)
quicktime. [download]
All media files were produced using the 3ivx MPEG-4 Filter suite and are playable by the Apple MPEG-4 Decoder built into and shipped with every copy of QuickTime 6.
If you wish to use Windows Media Player install the 3ivx MPEG-4 Filter suite.
3ivx. [download]
All media files were produced using the 3ivx MPEG-4 Filter suite and are playable by the Apple MPEG-4 Decoder built into and shipped with every copy of QuickTime 6.
If you wish to use Windows Media Player install the 3ivx MPEG-4 Filter suite.